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Smart solutions for business facilitation
Found 14 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Business Centres
    Business Centres
    Organizational scheme Simplification Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
    The Saudi Arabia General Investement Authority (SAGIA) has implemented Business Centres which serve as One-Step Shops in the nine cities Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Hail, Jazan, Medina, Abha, Tabuk and Najran. The Centres simplify investment and entrepreneurship porcesses by bringing together representatives of offices from all relevant governme...
  • 2.
    CADE municipal one-stop-shop Bogotá
    CADE municipal one-stop-shop Bogotá
    Organizational scheme Simplification Colombia Colombia
    The CADE is a one-stop-shop for administrative procedures grouping under one roof more than 30 municipal and national administrations. Ten CADES are already operational in the city of Bogotá.
  • 3.
    Citizen Assistance Service Centers (SAC) Bahia
    Citizen Assistance Service Centers (SAC) Bahia
    Organizational scheme General Brazil Brazil
    Bahia's Citizen Assistance Service Centers (SAC) bring together federal, state, and municipal agencies in a single location. One representative of each ministry is present at the one-stop-shop and has full capacity to deal with requests. The Assistance Centers offer the services that citizens most frequently need and use. They are located in pl...
  • 4.
    Empresa no dia
    Empresa no dia
    Organizational scheme Company Cape Verde Cape Verde
    The organizational scheme Empresa no dia (enterprise in a single day) allows for establishing companies in Cape Verde - immediately and at the same day, in an attending balcony of the Citizen’s House. This company creation process includes the facultative registration with the chamber of commerce, registration at the Portal Porton di nos ilha a...
  • 5.
    One Stop Centre for Warehouse Construction Permits
    One Stop Centre for Warehouse Construction Permits
    Organizational scheme Construction permits Hong Kong S.A.R. Hong Kong S.A.R.
    The One Stop Centre for Warehouse Construction Permits in Hong Kong S.A.R. is a centralised office for receiving submissions of plans and related applications (such as those for excavation permit, telephone line connection, technical audit for drainage and water supply connection works, etc.), as well as coordinating joint inspections to be...
  • 6.
    One-Stop Service for Company Creation
    One-Stop Service for Company Creation
    Organizational scheme Company Madagascar Madagascar
    The Economic Development Board of Madagascar provides a One-Stop Service for company creation for investors and entrepreneurs. All required forms can be downloaded from their website and in total 5 procedures are necessary to complete the company registration process, which takes 7 days.
  • 7.
    One-Stop Shop for Company Creation
    One-Stop Shop for Company Creation
    Organizational scheme Company Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
    As of the 1st of January 2008, business entities requesting the status of a commercial legal entity and physical persons who prefer to carry out business activities without creating a legal entity need to apply to only one state agency, that is to the relevant unit of the Ministry of Taxes. Only after submitting the necessary documents conta...
  • 8.
    Organizational scheme Company Rwanda Rwanda
    At this one-stop-shop investors are attended by representatives of Customs, Immigration, the Work Permit Department and the Company Registrar. It takes only three days to incorporate a company, against 21 days before. The exemption of imported goods used to take at least ten days, the process has been reduced to one day; the time for obtaining ...
  • 9.
    One-Stop-Shop for Company Creation
    One-Stop-Shop for Company Creation
    Organizational scheme Company Slovenia Slovenia
    Companies in Slovenia can be created in a single place with a single form, either online or through 270 single entry points, in less than a week, at no cost at all. Slovenia is the second country in the EU, after Denmark, to eliminate all start up fees.
  • 10.
    One-stop-shop on Imports
    One-stop-shop on Imports
    Organizational scheme Simplification El Salvador El Salvador
    Fixed between > $500 000
    One-stop-shop with delegates from 8 institutions authorized for issuance of permits and licenses for the import and export of goods.
  • 11.
    Registering Property
    Registering Property
    Organizational scheme Property registration Georgia Georgia
    Registering property in Georgia takes only three days and requires two steps (payment of the registry fee with a bank and registration at the Public Registry). The World Bank's Doing Business Report 2010 ranks Georgia as one of the most efficient countries in property registration world wide (rank 2).
  • 12.
    Single Window Principle for the Inspection of Goods
    Single Window Principle for the Inspection of Goods
    Organizational scheme Trading accross border Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
    Through the introduction of the Single Window Principle for the inspection of goods and transport means in January 2009, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan has eliminated unnecessary interferences during these inspections. The Single Window Principle consolidates health, agriculture, veterinary and transport under one sin...
  • 13.
    Tax Block Management System
    Tax Block Management System
    Organizational scheme Paying taxes Rwanda Rwanda
    The Rwanda Revenue Authority introduced a "Block Management System (BMS)" in 2009 to recruit more tax payers through installing tax offices in districts where small businesses operate. The BMS also aims at reducing the size of the informal sector to increase the tax net. The system targets small taxpayers by demarcating the areas in which th...
  • 14.
    Tbilisi Municipal Portal - Enterprise Registration
    Tbilisi Municipal Portal - Enterprise Registration
    Organizational scheme Company Georgia Georgia
    Since 2006, incorporating a business in Georgia is free of charge, with three interactions and a maximum of three days. The total number of licenses and permits was reduced by 84%, in reforms that eliminated 756 licenses and permits and streamlined procedures. Furthermore, the Silence is Consent Rule applies, i.e. the registration authority ...

Good practices (87)

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