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Smart solutions for business facilitation
Found 8 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Electronic Returns
    Electronic Returns
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Netherlands, The Netherlands, The
    Since 1 January 2005, the paper tax return forms have been replaced by an electronic tax return filing programme. Companies can file their income tax, corporate tax and turnover tax returns free of charge via the Internet. An overview of filed and outstanding tax returns is available on the website.
  • 2.
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Germany Germany
    The ElsterWeb online Tool, developed and maintained by the German Tax Authorities, allows companies and entrepreneurs in Bavaria to file all tax declarations online and free of charge. Furthermore, the eTool enables other administrations and organisations (e.g. municipalities) to exchange tax data online with the German financial and tax author...
  • 3.
    ePorezna - eTax
    ePorezna - eTax
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Croatia (Hrvatska) Croatia (Hrvatska)
    All taxes relevant for businesses can be filed online with the Croatian Tax Authority. The eTool enables users to download, fill and submit tax declaration forms, receive receipts of delivery and check the status of their declarations online. Since January 2010, 1.527.748 visits have been recorded (as of 20/04/2010).
  • 4.
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Panama Panama
    The tax administration in Panama issues the certificate of good standing online. Furthermore, all tax declaration forms can be downloaded online.
  • 5.
    Solvency electronic tax and pension contributions
    Solvency electronic tax and pension contributions
    Electronic tool Paying taxes El Salvador El Salvador
    Fixed between $100 000 and $500 000
    An electronic data interchange system for solvency, tax and social security contributions and providing export services to government.
  • 6.
    Tax Block Management System
    Tax Block Management System
    Organizational scheme Paying taxes Rwanda Rwanda
    The Rwanda Revenue Authority introduced a "Block Management System (BMS)" in 2009 to recruit more tax payers through installing tax offices in districts where small businesses operate. The BMS also aims at reducing the size of the informal sector to increase the tax net. The system targets small taxpayers by demarcating the areas in which th...
  • 7.
    Tax Clearance Certificate
    Tax Clearance Certificate
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Rwanda Rwanda
    In Rwanda, the Tax Clearance Certificate (a document stating that all tax payments have been settled) can now be obtained online, which represents considerable time savings to the taxpayers.
  • 8.
    Tax Payment Service
    Tax Payment Service
    Electronic tool Paying taxes Uruguay Uruguay
    The main purpose of the system is to provide taxpayers with the assistance needed when they opt for filing the tax return form via the web site. It provides four main services: access to institutional information and to relevant laws, rules and regulations; downloading of forms; online submission of the tax return form; and online issuance of t...

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