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Found 4 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Electronic tool Property registration New Zealand New Zealand
    Landonline provides land professionals with secure access to New Zealand's only authoritative titles register and digital cadastre maintained by LINZ. The functionally smart system enables registered users to conduct secure electronic title and survey transactions in real time, automating and speeding up traditional (and sometimes prolonged ...
  • 2.
    Property Registration in Guatemala
    Property Registration in Guatemala
    Electronic tool Property registration Guatemala Guatemala
    According to the 2010 Doing Business Report, Guatemala is the most efficient Latin American country in property registration (rank 24). The General Property Registry of Guatemala has recently improved its E-services considerably. The property registration web portal offers the following products and services on-line: Comprehensive inf...
  • 3.
    Property Registry
    Property Registry
    Electronic tool Property registration Estonia Estonia
    The Land Register in Estonia is fully computerised, accessible online and all register parts are valid electronically. It is composed of: Register parts (which are opened for each immovable). Real rights in immovable property are created, amended and extinguished by making an entry. A land registry archive holds the documents s...
  • 4.
    Registering Property
    Registering Property
    Organizational scheme Property registration Georgia Georgia
    Registering property in Georgia takes only three days and requires two steps (payment of the registry fee with a bank and registration at the Public Registry). The World Bank's Doing Business Report 2010 ranks Georgia as one of the most efficient countries in property registration world wide (rank 2).

Good practices (87)

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