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Smart solutions for business facilitation
Found 6 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Business Centres
    Business Centres
    Organizational scheme Simplification Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
    The Saudi Arabia General Investement Authority (SAGIA) has implemented Business Centres which serve as One-Step Shops in the nine cities Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Hail, Jazan, Medina, Abha, Tabuk and Najran. The Centres simplify investment and entrepreneurship porcesses by bringing together representatives of offices from all relevant governme...
  • 2.
    CADE municipal one-stop-shop Bogotá
    CADE municipal one-stop-shop Bogotá
    Organizational scheme Simplification Colombia Colombia
    The CADE is a one-stop-shop for administrative procedures grouping under one roof more than 30 municipal and national administrations. Ten CADES are already operational in the city of Bogotá.
  • 3.
    Financial Statements Act
    Financial Statements Act
    Laws Simplification Denmark Denmark
    The simplification consists of exempting 75.000 small businesses in Denmark from the obligation to have an accountant examining the businesses annual report/financial statement. The small businesses can now choose whether they wish to have an accountant examine/attest their annual report. In 2006 the realised cost reduction through...
  • 4.
    Law on Administrative Procedures
    Law on Administrative Procedures
    Laws Simplification Italy Italy
    Chapter V of Law 241/90 of 7 August 1990 provides for right of access to administrative documents. Public bodies must respond to requests within 30 days. In case the public authority does not reply within that time frame, the so-called "silence-is-consent rule" applies, i.e. once the deadline has passed, the authorisation is considered given.
  • 5.
    One-stop-shop on Imports
    One-stop-shop on Imports
    Organizational scheme Simplification El Salvador El Salvador
    Fixed between > $500 000
    One-stop-shop with delegates from 8 institutions authorized for issuance of permits and licenses for the import and export of goods.
  • 6.
    The EU Service Directive 2006/123/EC
    The EU Service Directive 2006/123/EC
    Laws Simplification Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The Service Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament made an obligation to all EU countries to set up, in a maximum of three years, physical and online points of single contact at which an applicant may complete all the necessary formalities for accessing and exercising a service activity. The Directive has had a strong stimulating e...

Good practices (87)

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