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Smart solutions for business facilitation
Found 6 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Electronic tool Individual entrepreneur France France
    Régime dérogatoire mis en place à compter du 1er janvier 2009 pour les personnes qui exercent ou souhaitent exercer une activité indépendante sous forme d'entreprise individuelle et qui relèvent du régime fiscal de la micro-entreprise.
  • 2.
    Law on Individual Entrepreneurs
    Law on Individual Entrepreneurs
    Laws Individual entrepreneur Brazil Brazil
    The law aims at providing small- and microenterprises with a special legal treatment to boost entrepreneurship among these groups. By this law the government reduces and simplifies tax requirements, duties and credit obligations in order to stimulate the creation of SMEs and micro enterprises.
  • 3.
    Law on Self-Employment (L'Autoentrepreneur)
    Law on Self-Employment (L'Autoentrepreneur)
    Laws Individual entrepreneur France France
    The new french law on company creation is a break-through in terms of facilitating business and widening the scope of potential entrepreneurs. Several processes were grouped into one, which creates a one-stop shop for company creation in France. For the first time, the law allows for companies to be created online (see the corresponding E-Tool ...
  • 4.
    Panama Emprende
    Panama Emprende
    Laws Individual entrepreneur Panama Panama
    Panama Emprende is a new concept where people wishing to start new businesses in Panama may do it in a simple way, with the sole obligation of informing the State that they are starting a new operation. The only step required for the start of a commercial, industrial or servicices activity in the territory of the Republic of Panama will be the ...
  • 5.
    Panama Emprende
    Panama Emprende
    Electronic tool Individual entrepreneur Panama Panama
    Free - Shareware (voluntary contribution)
    PanamaEmprende allows people to open their business, in a few minutes, in an electronic way, without the need for queues, procedures and additional costs. With this new system for the opening of companies, Panama is ranked among the first in the world in terms of speed and easiness to open companies.
  • 6.
    Portal do Empreendedor
    Portal do Empreendedor
    Electronic tool Individual entrepreneur Brazil Brazil
    The main objective of this portal is social inclusion: the creation of SMEs and micro enterprises is encouraged by informing the large part of society that operates informal businesses about the benefits of formalisation.

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