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Smart solutions for business facilitation
Found 20 solution(s) matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category  |  field  |  costs
  • 1.
    Angola Government Portal
    Angola Government Portal
    Electronic tool eGovernment Angola Angola
    The main objective of the government portal in Angola is to bring all governmental public information and services under the same platform and to make them available to citizens vie the internet. Angolans can thus find information on government programs, and are given the option to send their views and comments to the government. The system inc...
  • 2.
    Electronic tool eGovernment United Kingdom United Kingdom is the official website of the UK Government for businesses of all sizes. It helps people to succeed in business by providing simple, clear and authoritative information, transactions and support. More and more business facing content and transactions, from a wide range of government websites, are being made available via...
  • 3.
    Electronic tool eGovernment Chile Chile
    The ChileClic Portal is an online registry of procedures, where citizens can obtain information on all services offered by the governement. This also includes information on procedures and services related to starting and conducting micro businesses as well as small and medium enterprises.
  • 4.
    E-Government Portal
    E-Government Portal
    Electronic tool eGovernment Bahrain Bahrain
    The E-Government Portal of Bahrain is a "one stop shop Portal" and is the key service delivery channel for individuals, business, government and visitors, which integrates and provides all types of vital services. The Portal, available in Arabic and English, is aligned with the Bahrain Strategic Vision 2030 to provide informational, int...
  • 5.
    E-Government Portal
    E-Government Portal
    Electronic tool eGovernment Jordan Jordan
    The Government of Jordan’s national e-Government initiative, launched by His Majesty King Abdullah II, aimed to drive the nation’s transformation into a knowledge society founded on a competitive, dynamic economy. Jordan remains committed to this national vision. As part of its efforts to transform its society, economy and g...
  • 6.
    Electronic tool eGovernment Singapore Singapore
    Comprising infromation from different government agencies, this government portal focuses primarily on the needs of businesses and assists them in finding the government information and services they need. In 2005 the EnterpriseOne team conducted surveys, focus groups and one-on-one usability tests gathering more than 500 responses, which co...
  • 7.
    Gobierno Digital
    Gobierno Digital
    Electronic tool eGovernment Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
    This web portal provides information on all e-services provided by the government to citizens and businesses. It informs on the importance and features of E-Government and offers related statistics.
  • 8.
    Gobierno en Linea - El Portal del Estado Colombiano (PEC)
    Gobierno en Linea - El Portal del Estado Colombiano (PEC)
    Electronic tool eGovernment Colombia Colombia is an integrated access to every government agency website in Colombia. Citizens, businesses and foreigners are able to e-mail government representatives, search for government-related information, verify the requirements for government procedures, perform online transactions and offer suggestions on blogs and discussion ...
  • 9.
    Electronic tool eGovernment Singapore Singapore
    As an online resource for e-Government development in Singapore, iGov.Sg charts the progress of the nation's e-Government masterplans and provides information on e-services and information and communication initiatives by different government agencies that align with the key thrusts of the current masterplan. These include central projects t...
  • 10.
    Korea E-Government
    Korea E-Government
    Electronic tool eGovernment Korea Korea
    The E-Government development driven by the Korean government in the past two decades improved both efficiency and quality of public services that placed the country at the forefront among the e-governments around the globe. A standardized business process system called On-Nara BPS has been introduced to improve efficiency and transparency. O...
  • 11.
    Ministry of Foreign Trade Portal
    Ministry of Foreign Trade Portal
    Electronic tool eGovernment United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
    The Ministry of Foreign trade's Portal outlines information from key governmental partners and the ministry's overseas trade offices to serve and maintain the country’s commercial relations with regional and global organizations in order to maintain and promote our competitiveness in the global market. This Governmental portal provides an inter...
  • 12.
    National Portal of India
    National Portal of India
    Electronic tool eGovernment India India
    The National Portal of India has been developed as a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan of the Government. The objective behind the Portal is to provide a single window access to the information and services being provided by the Indian Government for the citizens and other stakeholders such as businesses. An attempt h...
  • 13.
    National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)
    National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)
    Electronic tool eGovernment India India
    The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) administers online the assignment of work to unskilled workers in the Andhra Pradesh province, in application of a Government Act ensuring at least a guaranteed wage of 100 days in every financial year to any household whose members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The website provide...
  • 14.
    Porton di nos ilha
    Porton di nos ilha
    Electronic tool eGovernment Cape Verde Cape Verde
    The Cape Verde E-Government portal, Porton di nos ilha, offers a variety of services for citizens and enterprises. Particularly relevant is “Empresa no dia” (enterprise in a single day), a public service that allows the establishment of enterprises similar to a Joint Stock Company and/or limited company - within one day. Establishing an enterpr...
  • 15.
    Service Canada
    Service Canada
    Electronic tool eGovernment Canada Canada
    Service Canada was created in 2005 and is an E-Government portal that aims at improving the provision of government programmes and services to Canadian citizens to ensure they are delivered in a fast, easy and convenient manner. Service Canada offers access to a wide range programs and services of the Government of Canada for citizens thr...
  • 16.
    Electronic tool eGovernment France France is the official website of the French civil service. It aims at simplifying administrative procedures for citizens, professionals and associations as well as at informing them about their obligations and facilitate the access to legal texts. Hence, it serves as an important interface between civil service and private citizen...
  • 17.
    SNIAC - National System of Identification and Civil Authentication
    SNIAC - National System of Identification and Civil Authentication
    Electronic tool eGovernment Cape Verde Cape Verde
    The SNIAC Project is included in the political measure of administrative modernization aiming at endowing the Cape Verde State with a system of secure and consistent identification. Covered areas: Determination of Central and Civil Registration : to improve Civil and Central Investments in order to better address the death matter...
  • 18.
    TT Connect
    TT Connect
    Electronic tool eGovernment Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad And Tobago
    The E-Government Portal TT Connect is part of a broader programme to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Government service delivery. At present it focuses broadly on three categories of users, namely citizens, businesses, visitors and non-nationals and provides the following government services online: applying for national hou...
  • 19. - The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal - The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal
    Electronic tool eGovernment United States United States's objective is to provide a free service, enabling the global community to easily and rapidly find U.S. government information that has been posted on the Internet. It offers a powerful search engine and an index of web-accessible government information and services to help the users find what they need.
  • 20.
    Electronic tool eGovernment Singapore Singapore
    The Portal is the electronic communication platform of the Singapore Government. It serves as a convenient gateway for individuals and businesses to locate information about the Singapore Government - such as news and speeches, information resources, e-services, events calendar and contact information of public service agencies and o...

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