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Institutions involved in administrative efficiency and business facilitation
Found 59 entity/entities matching your search criteria. Sort by : solution  |  country  |  category
  • 1.
    Abu Dhabi Government
    National authority United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  • 2.
    Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre
    Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre
    National authority United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
    The Centre is considered as the governmental party that owns the IT agenda of the Emirate, and has the authority to practice the following competences: Supervise the implementation of the e-Government program in Abu Dhabi Government entities. Sponsor initiatives and mature assets and competencies that it deems of critical importance ...
  • 3.
    Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore
    Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore
    National authority Singapore Singapore
    The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is the national regulator of business entities and public accountants in Singapore. ACRA also plays the role of a facilitator for the development of business entities and the public accountancy profession. The mission of ACRA is to provide a responsive and trusted regulatory envir...
  • 4.
    Administrative Simplification Agency (ASA)
    Administrative Simplification Agency (ASA)
    National authority Belgium Belgium
    The mission of the Administrative Simplification Agency (ASA) in Belgium is to propose solutions on how to reduce the complexity of administrative procedures in order to ease the time and cost burdens posed on companies and hence make them more competitive. The main elements of the mission are: propose administrative simplification...
  • 5.
    African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM)
    African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM)
    International entity Kenya Kenya
    The African Association of Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) is an international professional association for African public administrators and managers. It is a fraternity of people committed to human capacity building for development in Africa. It is a forum for the articulation and dissemination of ideas on human capacity buil...
  • 6.
    African Development Bank (AfDB)
    African Development Bank (AfDB)
    International entity Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
    The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group’s mission is to help reduce poverty, improve living conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for the continent’s economic and social development. With this objective in mind, the institution aims at assisting African countries – individually and collectively - in their efforts to achieve sustainab...
  • 7.
    Agence pour la Création d'Entreprises (APCE)
    Agence pour la Création d'Entreprises (APCE)
    National authority France France
    The Agency for Company Creation in France works for the creation and development of support networks for those starting up a business, taking over or selling businesses, at local, regional, national and European levels. It transfers its specialist know-how to partners in the field and provides them with the most modern purpose-built tools t...
  • 8.
    American Society For Public Administration (ASPA)
    American Society For Public Administration (ASPA)
    National authority United States United States
    The American Society For Public Administration (ASPA) promotes greater effectiveness in government - agents of goodwill and professionalism - publishers of democratic journalism at its very best - purveyors of progressive theory and practice and providers of global citizenship. ASPA believes that by embracing new ideas - addressing key publi...
  • 9.
    Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    International entity Philippines Philippines
    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people. Headquartered in Manila, and established in 1966, ADB is owned and financed by its 67 members, of which 48 are from the region and 19 are...
  • 10.
    Australian eGovernment Resource Centre
    Australian eGovernment Resource Centre
    National authority Australia Australia
    The eGovernment Resource Centre provides access to the Victorian Government body of knowledge on eGovernment, information and communications technology (ICT) and government website best practices, with Australian and international examples. In 1995 the Victorian State Government, in Australia, set an ambitious target to have all suitable ...
  • 11.
    Autoridad Nacional para la Innovación Gubernamental
    Autoridad Nacional para la Innovación Gubernamental
    National authority Panama Panama
    The National Authority for Gouvernment Inovation is a competent body of the Panamanian State to plan, coordinate, formulate guidelines, monitor, collaborate, support and promote the optimal use of information technologies and communications in the government sector for the modernization of public administration, and to recommend the adoption po...
  • 12.
    Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
    Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
    Regional authority Barbados Barbados
    The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), is a regional financial institution which was established by an Agreement signed on October 18, 1969, in Kingston, Jamaica, and entered into force on January 26, 1970. The Bank came into existence for the purpose of contributing to the harmonious economic growth and development of the member countries in...
  • 13.
    Comisión Federal de Mejora Regulatoria (COFEMER)
    Comisión Federal de Mejora Regulatoria (COFEMER)
    National authority Mexico Mexico
    The Federal Commission on Regulatory Improvement (COFEMER) is a government body in charge of promoting transparency in the design and implementation of regulations with the aim to maximise benefits for the citizens. Its main task is to oversee and advise the government on issues related to regulatory reform. COFEMER incorporates an online in...
  • 14.
    Commissariat au Développement Institutionnel (CDI)
    Commissariat au Développement Institutionnel (CDI)
    National authority Mali Mali
    The Institutional Development Commission in Mali is in charge of conceptualizing, implementing and evaluating institutional reforms. Its tasks include inter alia: analyze the institutional changes induced by the process of democratization and initiate reforms to reinforce this process; elaborate and assure the follow up of measu...
  • 15.
    Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM)
    Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM)
    International entity Canada Canada
    CAPAM’s mission is to promote the practical requirements of good governance, just and honest government across the Commonwealth countries and beyond. CAPAM provides a forum for the active exchange of innovations, knowledge and practice in citizen-centered service delivery, leadership development and growth, and public service management and re...
  • 16.
    Danish Development Research Network (DDRN)
    Danish Development Research Network (DDRN)
    National authority Denmark Denmark
    As of January 2007, the Research Network for Governance, Economic Policy and Public Administration (GEPPA), the Network of Agricultural Research for Development (NETARD) and the Research Network for Environment and Development (ReNED), merged into the Danish Development Research Network (DDRN). The purpose of the merger was to enhance cro...
  • 17.
    Direction de l'Information légale et administrative
    Direction de l'Information légale et administrative
    National authority France France
    DILA is an agency for the central administration of the Prime Minister's mandate. Its mission comprises the edition and diffusion of legal texts, publications on economic and financial issues for enterprises and the diffusion of up-to-date administrative information.
  • 18.
    Regional authority Belgium Belgium
    EasiWal is a federal authority in charge of administrative simplification in the Walloon region in Belgium. Having recognized the importance of a user-centric administration for increasing efficiency and simplifying processes, the key aspects of EasiWal's work include: the simplification of rules and regulations, the simplificati...
  • 19.
    Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM)
    Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM)
    National authority Madagascar Madagascar
    The EDBM is in charge of promoting and facilitating domestic and foreign direct investments. The main objective is to make the investment climate attractive to private companies and favorable to their successes.
  • 20.
    Efficiency Unit of the Government of Hong Kong S.A.R.
    Efficiency Unit of the Government of Hong Kong S.A.R.
    Regional authority Hong Kong S.A.R. Hong Kong S.A.R.
    The Efficiency Unit of Hong Kong S.A.R. provides consultancy services to government bodies and departments in order to improve the delivery and quality of administrative services. Their specific tasks include: Conduct feasibility and business case studies, explore and analyse strategic options. Review operations to formulate strategi...
  • 21.
    European Group for Public Administration (EGPA)
    European Group for Public Administration (EGPA)
    Regional authority Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) is a Regional Group of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences. Its objectives have been defined as follows: to organise and encourage the exchange of information on developments in the theory and practice of public administration; to foster comparative studies an...
  • 22.
    European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
    European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    Established in Maastricht in 1981 and having centres in Luxembourg, Barcelona and Warsaw, the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) is a European centre of excellence on European Integration and the new challenges of public management. EIPA's mission is to support the European Union and its Member States and the countries asso...
  • 23.
    European Public Administration Network (EUPAN)
    European Public Administration Network (EUPAN)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The European Public Administration Network (EU PAN) is an informal network of Directors General responsible for Public Administrations in EU member States and European Commission. Its vision is to support the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, placing the citizen at the centre of public management, by working in different areas (human resou...
  • 24.
    Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)
    Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA)
    National authority Singapore Singapore
    One of IDA's key responsibilities is creating a conducive, innovative, and competitive infocomm environment that is both pro-consumer and pro-business. The IDA develops policies, standards, codes of practices and advisory guidelines for the infocomm industry. One main objective is to encourage effective competition in the telecommunications mar...
  • 25.
    Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA)
    Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA)
    National authority Australia Australia
    The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) is the professional association for those involved in public administration. It is a voluntary, non-profit, member organisation enabling people with an interest in public administration and public sector reform to exchange ideas on trends, practices and innovations in public administration...
  • 26.
    Institute of Public Administration Ireland (IPA)
    Institute of Public Administration Ireland (IPA)
    National authority Ireland Ireland
    The Institute of Public Administration is Ireland's only consultancy service focused exclusively on public sector development. It delivers its service through: education and training, building people's capability to meet challenges direct consultancy, solving problems and helping plan and shape the future research and publi...
  • 27.
    Institute of Public Administration of Canada
    Institute of Public Administration of Canada
    National authority Canada Canada
    The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC), founded in 1947, is a dynamic association of public servants, academics, and others interested in public administration. Anchored by their regional groups, IPAC is a membership-based organization that creates knowledge networks and leads public administration research in Canada. Since ...
  • 28.
    Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
    Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
    International entity United States United States
    The IDB, established in 1959 to support the process of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean, is the main source of multilateral financing in the region. The IDB Group provides solutions to development challenges by partnering with governments, companies and civil society organizations, thus reaching its clients ...
  • 29.
    International Finance Corporation (IFC) - World Bank Group
    International Finance Corporation (IFC) - World Bank Group
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    IFC fosters sustainable economic growth in developing countries by financing private sector investment, mobilizing capital in the international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments. IFC helps companies and financial institutions in emerging markets create jobs, generate tax revenues, improve c...
  • 30.
    International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
    International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
    International entity Switzerland Switzerland
    IMD is an independent not-for-profit foundation with no financial support from government. The school serves the international corporate community, helping develop and retain the best qualified management talent for global leadership. IMD, the most international of all executive education institutions worldwide, is dedicated to being the “gl...
  • 31.
    International Institute of Administrative Science (IIAS)
    International Institute of Administrative Science (IIAS)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The International Institute of Administrative Sciences is an International Association with Scientific Purpose whose seat is in Brussels. As a non-governmental international organisation its activities are centred on the study of public administration and it provides a forum in which comparative studies – including both practical experiences...
  • 32.
    International Regulatory Reform Network (IRR)
    International Regulatory Reform Network (IRR)
    International entity Germany Germany
    The Bertelsmann Foundation's IRR Network prompotes the exchange of approaches (in smart regulation) and brings together the diferent perspectives of academics, practitioners, businesses and citizens at the national and international level. Therefore it creates a sustainable network among all stakeholders and provides an international ov...
  • 33.
    International Standard Cost Model Network (SCM)
    International Standard Cost Model Network (SCM)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    In 2003 a number of European countries formed a network, committed to using the same methodological approach when measuring and tackling administrative burdens. All countries had come to the realization that common problems were faced and only a common approach could help solve these problems. These 'founding fathers' of the network c...
  • 34.
    Investment Climate Facility for Africa (ICF)
    Investment Climate Facility for Africa (ICF)
    International entity Tanzania Tanzania
    ICF aims to work with receptive African governments to make the continent an even better place to do business, systematically focusing on areas where practical steps can be taken to remove identified constraints and problems. The three main objectives are: Build the environment for investment climate improvement Get the investment...
  • 35.
    Ministry of Foreign Trade
    National authority United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
  • 36.
    Ministry of Public Administration
    Ministry of Public Administration
    National authority Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad And Tobago
    Public Administration was established in 1991 as a sub-division of the Office of the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Public Administration and Information was first established in 1996 with a broader portfolio. Subsequently it was restructured as the Ministry of Public Administration in May 2000; however the Ministry was dissolved in Decembe...
  • 37.
    Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS)
    Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS)
    National authority Korea Korea
    The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) was established in 2008 by integrating the Ministry of Government and Home Affairs, the Civil Service Commission, the National Emergency Planning Commission and national informatization strategy functions of the Ministry of Information and Communication.
  • 38.
    Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia
    Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia
    National authority Slovenia Slovenia
    The Ministry of Public Administration performs tasks in the following areas: management of the public administration and personnel, salary system in the public sector, e-government and administrative processes, investments, real estate and joint services of the state administration. In the above areas, particular ...
  • 39.
    OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate (GOV)
    OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate (GOV)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate (GOV) identifies changing societal and market needs, and helps countries adapt their governmental systems and territorial polices. This involves improving government efficiency while protecting and promoting society's longer-term governance values. GOV provides various forums wher...
  • 40.
    Oficina Presidencial de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (OPTIC)
    Oficina Presidencial de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (OPTIC)
    National authority Dominican Republic Dominican Republic
    The Presidential Office of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of the Dominican Republic is in charge of planning, executing and monitoring the action necessary for the implementation of E-Government solutions in the country according to the diffusion and use of ICTs.
  • 41.
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    OECD brings together the governments of countries committed to democracy and the market economy from around the world to: Support sustainable economic growth Boost employment Raise living standards Maintain financial stability Assist other countries' economic development Contribute t...
  • 42.
    Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net)
    Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net)
    International entity United States United States
    The Public Administration Theory Network (PAT-Net) is an international network of professionals concerned with the advancement of public administration theory. The Network publishes the quarterly journal Administrative Theory and Practice (ATP) . ATP evolved from the Network's original informal publication called Dialogue . PAT-Net provides ...
  • 43.
    Regional Center for Public Administration Reform (RCPAR)
    Regional Center for Public Administration Reform (RCPAR)
    International entity Greece Greece
    The Regional Centre for Public Administration Reform (RCPAR) is a five-year (2008-2013) Regional Project on PAR implemented by the United Nations Development Programme Bratislava Regional Centre (UNDP BRC) and primarily financed by the Hellenic Government. Through multi-country initiatives generated by network members and implemented in coop...
  • 44.
    Register of the Reporting Obligations of Enterprises
    Register of the Reporting Obligations of Enterprises
    National authority Norway Norway
    The main task of the Register of Reporting Obligations of Enterprises is to maintain a constantly updated overview of the reporting obligations business and industry have, and to find ways to coordinate and simplify these obligations. The aim is to prevent the unnecessary compilation and registration of information, particularly for small an...
  • 45.
    Regulatory Reform Committee (RRC)
    Regulatory Reform Committee (RRC)
    National authority Korea Korea
    The main tasks of the Korean Regulatory Reform Committee are: Determining the overall direction of regulatory policy and research/development of regulatory systems. Evaluating new regulations and those to be strengthened. Evaluating existing regulations, drafting and executing comprehensive regulatory reform plan. Registering a...
  • 46.
    Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
    Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
    National authority Rwanda Rwanda
    The Rwanda Development Board was set up by bringing together all the government agencies responsible for investment under one roof. This includes key agencies responsible for business registration, investment promotion, environmental clearances, privatization and specialist agencies which support the priority sectors of ICT and tourism as well ...
  • 47.
    Secretaria de Innovación Tecnológica Informática - Presidencia de la Republica El Salvador
    Secretaria de Innovación Tecnológica Informática - Presidencia de la Republica El Salvador
    National authority El Salvador El Salvador
    The mission of the Secretaria de Innovación Tecnológica Informática (Presidencia de la Republica El Salvador) is to promote the efficient and effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a mean for improving and modernising the management of the public administration and the services offered to citizens, while enhancing...
  • 48.
    Secretaría de la Presidencia para la Innovación Gubernamental
    Secretaría de la Presidencia para la Innovación Gubernamental
    National authority Panama Panama
    The main objective the Authority is to plan, coordinate, supervise, support and promote the use of ICT in the public sector.
  • 49.
    Secretaría Técnica Gobierno Digital
    Secretaría Técnica Gobierno Digital
    National authority Costa Rica Costa Rica
    The main objective the Authority is to plan, coordinate, supervise, support and promote the use of ICT in the public sector.
  • 50.
    National authority Portugal Portugal
    The SIMPLEX programme is a programme aimed at correcting and simplifying the rigidity of administrative processes, procedures and practices. The overall objective is to reduce the bureaucratic burdens imposed on citizens, improving their quality of life and the overall environment for businesses, thus promoting development and economic growt...
  • 51.
    National authority Singapore Singapore
    SPRING Singapore is an enterprise development agency for growing innovative companies and fostering a competitive SME sector. They work with partners to help enterprises in financing, capabilities and management development, technology and innovation, and access to markets. As the national standards and accreditation body, SPRING also develops ...
  • 52.
    Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA)
    Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    Sigma is a joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), principally financed by the EU. Sigma was launched in 1992 by the OECD and the European Commission's Phare Programme to support the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia implement public administra...
  • 53.
    The Donor Committee on Enterprise Development (DCED)
    The Donor Committee on Enterprise Development (DCED)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development is a gathering of many of the funding and inter-governmental agencies working for sustainable poverty alleviation through development of "the private sector". The database of the Donor Committee on Enterprise Development is used to share documents and information about donor-supported work to enhan...
  • 54.
    Transparency International (TI)
    Transparency International (TI)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    Transparency International (TI) is a global network including more than 90 locally established national chapters and chapters-in-formation. These bodies fight corruption in the national arena in a number of ways. They bring together relevant players from government, civil society, business and the media to promote transparency in elections, ...
  • 55.
    U.S. Small Business Administration
    U.S. Small Business Administration
    National authority United States United States
    The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of the nation.
  • 56.
    UNCTAD (Business Facilitation Programme)
    UNCTAD (Business Facilitation Programme)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    Established in 1964, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) promotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on developme...
  • 57.
    United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)
    United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The immediate objective of UNPAN is to establish an internet-based network that links regional and national institutions devoted to public administration, thereby facilitating information exchange, experience sharing, and training in the area of public sector policy and management. The long-term objective of UNPAN is to build the capacity of...
  • 58.
    United Nations University - International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST)
    United Nations University - International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    UNU-IIST, located in Macao , is one of the Research and Training Centres of the United Nations University, part of the United Nations. UNU-IIST's mission is to help developing countries strengthen their education and research in computer science and their ability to produce computer software.
  • 59.
    World Economic Forum (WEF)
    World Economic Forum (WEF)
    International entity Int. Organization Int. Organization
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a foundation in 1971, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the WEF is impartial and not-for-profit; it is tied to no poli...